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Golden Heart Merkabah of Creation

Lightbody Activation: Courses & Programs


Activate your Light Body and Infinite Consciousness to discover who You Really are....

These workshops come as two versions, the Basic practice and the Advanced practice and will bring a deep knowing of the truth of our Divinity. This is demonstrated through a knowledge of  Sacred Divine Form as known and taught in the Mystery Schools of Greece and Egypt.


The Higher Realms and Ascended Masters  wish that all seekers of the Ancient Knowledge and Truths should have access to every thing they need and desire in order to be the greatest expression possible of all they are.


Why learn this Merkabah practice ?

The greatest gift of this course is the liberation of spiritual information into the realms of pattern and form rather than philosophy and concept. This brings the seeker the freedom to soar to new heights of consciousness and understanding.

This workshop offers you a 

practice of these wisdom teachings and the meditation.

The Golden Heart Merkabah of Creation is:

  • A personal practice.

  • Uniquely valuable for personal preparation before any healing sessions and teaching any workshop.

  • A perfect tool for cleansing and dedicating a healing and workshop space.


The 4 and 3 (7)  day workshops are given once to twice a year.

No previous knowledge of Geometry or more than rudimentary Maths is required to complete this course.

Upcoming course dates TBA

For more information on Light Body Activation, please get in touch with me 



Energy Exchange for both versions are:  



A Deposit is required 

Paypal surcharge applicable 

or by Bank Transfer 


2024- 2025 to follow  



To learn more about the Golden Heart Merkabah of Creation and any of the Angelic Reiki courses and training we offer, don’t hesitate to get in touch <3



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